8 → 16yrs
Monday Night Drama is a place for young people to develop their skills and confidence through performance.
Saturday Art Club is a friendly, welcoming art class for children. Artist led, sessions offer a chance to be playful with materials and create artworks to take home.
All you need to bring is your imagination, enthusiasm and old clothes! Please book your space before attending.
These classes are for children only and we kindly ask that parents wait outside whilst the class is on - feel free to grab a hot drink and a break in the Platform Cafe Bar!
See booking details to the left which include details of our waiting list if the class is showing as full. Please note, the same activity is delivered to both sessions on the day - please book into one.
A Saturday Art Club parent said: "My girls really enjoyed the art club and can't wait to come back next week!"
Please email tickets@platform-online.co.uk if you would like more information.
MAKE DO is a new series of monthly events at Platform at The Bridge Cafe Bar which celebrate local resources and exchanging skills. Curated by artist Rebecca Fraser, it's free and drop in - come along and take part in activities, shop at stalls and enjoy free refreshments. There will be crafts, repairs, IT support, clothing, gardening and toys - line up varies each month. Great for families - everyone is welcome - more info and dates here. Part of the Creative Climates Futures Easterhouse Project.
Would you like to be the first to hear about our kids art classes, family workshops & shows at Platform? We send out a e-newsletter with details of what's on/fun opportunities for wee ones as well as details of when bookings go live - all for ages 0 - 12yrs here at Platform.
To sign up, email laura@platform-online.co.uk with a note of your name and email address and we'll add you on.