An account of weekly workshops by Isabel Dickens
From April 2020, during lockdown and with our building being closed due to Covid-19, we were delighted to take elements of our Taking Part activities online. These were greatly received by our regular users and new attendees.
After a summer break for most of the activities, they are back and kick off on Mon 7 September. All activities are free and take place online (on Zoom). We can also provide technical assistance to get online. You can join the classes at any time.
If you have any questions or would like details on how to join in with any of the groups - please email info@platform-online.co.uk or call 0141 276 9696 and we will get back in touch.
Due to current circumstances surrounding Covid-19, we realise it has been a difficult time for everyone and are pleased to be able to waive fees for these classes and workshops at this time.
If you would like to support us, please consider making a donation to Platform. As a registered charity, any donation received - of any size - is greatly appreciated and welcomed. To donate please click here.
Platform Singers Choir (for age 16 years+) - currently running on Fridays until 11 Dec 2020
Our community choir is now taking place online every Friday afternoon on Zoom between 3 – 4pm. Aimed at adults, and run by choir leader Rachel Hynes, Platform Singers is a friendly group and no singing experience is needed! We start off each session with a chat before moving into singing.
There’s lots of health benefits to singing - you can find out more in this article with Rachel.
If you need some tech support to help get you online, we can assist with this. More details here.
Music Lessons (for age 5yrs+) - from Mon 7 Sep until Fri 11 Dec 2020 - various times & days
Platform is currently running online lessons and workshops in Guitar, Fiddle and Drumming. These are free to attend and held on Zoom. Places are prioritised for those living within Platform’s Local Links postcodes within the North East of Glasgow.
For more information and to book a place please contact info@platform-online.co.uk
More information here. Please note music lessons are not taking place during the October holiday: Mon 12 - Sun 18 October.
Nu Gen art group (for age 11 years +) – Tue 8 Sep – Tue 8 Dec 2020
Nu Gen is a free, weekly art group for those aged 11 years and over. The group challenges teenagers to make artwork that represents their interests, exploring identity and what it’s like to be a teenager today. If you like drawing, painting or sculpture, are studying art at school or fancy trying something new - then Nu Gen is for you. No experience is required and everyone is welcome!
Nu Gen takes place online every Tuesday evening at 5pm - 6pm via Zoom and is artist led. Would you like to join the group? If so or if you would like more information, please email info@platform-online.co.uk for details.
If you visit our Latest section of the website you’ll find a recent blog post on what the group had been up to during the online version of Nu Gen! More details here.
Art Factory Art Factory | Age 16yrs+ | Tuesdays 8 Sep - Tue 8 Dec 2020
A relaxed, informal space for adults to get creative and inspired with activities and advice on various art techniques. Art Factory meet weekly, on Tuesdays, between 2pm and 3pm (online on Zoom). Led by artists, this is a welcoming group and a great way to get involved in a whole host of different types of art activities.
Saturday Art Club | Age 4 – 11yrs Saturdays
A weekly art activity emailed to our mailing list every Saturday. Created by artists, these activities are fun, colourful and varied! Email info@platform-online.co.uk to sign up - please provide a note of your name, location and names/ages of those wishing to join up.
Please note Nu Gen and Saturday Art Club are not taking place during the October holiday: Mon 12 - Sun 18 October. Art Factory is running as normal.
Creation Station (for 8 – 11 year olds) – Mon 7 Sep – Mon 7 Dec 2020
Creation Station is a free, weekly drama workshop for 8-11 year olds who are interested in performance, fun and creativity! The workshops are artist led by Geraldine Heaney with support from Isabel Dickens and are designed to develop skills and confidence. No experience is necessary.
Creation Station takes place online every Monday evening at 6pm until 6.45pm via Zoom and is free to attend. Visit the Latest section of the website to find some recent blog posts on what’s been happening on the online version of Creation Station - and you can also view a few episodes of CS News - also created by the Creation Station online group. More details here.
Lab Station (for 12 -16 year olds) – Mon 7 Sep – Mon 7 Dec 2020
Lab Station workshops are aimed at those age 12 - 16 yrs old and are designed to develop skills and confidence through regular performance opportunities. These are fun sessions led by Eoin McKenzie and Holly Downes and provide the opportunity to learn, get creative and make new pals! All are welcome and no experience is necessary.
Lab Station takes place from 6.30pm -7.15pm on Monday evenings via Zoom. Visit the Latest section of the website where you’ll find some recent blog posts on what’s been happening on the online version of Lab Station. More details here.
Platform Young Company (for 16 -25 year olds) – Sat 12 Sep– Sat 12 Dec 2020
The Platform Young Company is a performance collective who formed out of a shared interest in contemporary performance and experimental ways of working. We aim to offer young artists interested in performance, theatre, or dance an opportunity to create professional pieces of work.
During the period of lockdown, from April to June 2020, Platform Young Company met weekly online and devised, created and performed an online show for the public called Good Things Take Time. Visit our Latest page to read some of the blog posts of the weekly workshops.
The group meet on Saturday mornings on Zoom. If you interested in devising, collaborating, and experimenting with different forms of performing then perhaps you would like to join us? More details here.
Please note performance classes are not taking place during the October holiday: Mon 12 - Sun 18 October.
Play Cafe for 0-4yr olds
We’re really missing our weekly Play Café sessions on Wednesday mornings for 0-4yr olds and are posting an activity on our social media channels – Facebook, Twitter and Instagram - each week at 11am. Check in to see what’s happening! Check out this post of 20 tips of things to do with your little ones.
Simply send us your postal address and we’ll send you some basic art materials, a copy of our latest newsletter and a stamped addressed envelope to send us your contribution. Drawings, paintings, photographs, stories, poems or jokes are all gratefully received. We’ll collect and edit what we receive for our fortnightly mail art newsletter – you can find past issues on the the Latest page of the website.
Our weekly Clack and Yak knitting group usually meets at The Bridge weekly on Mondays for a chat and a cuppa whilst knitting, sewing or crocheting. Due to current circumstances relating to Covid-19 the class is not running within our building or as usual.
However the group regulars are meeting weekly online. If you would like to join the group or would like more information please contact margaret@platform-online.co.uk
Beginners are welcome. Read more here.