£9.50 (standard) | £6 (concession) | £5
// BUZZCUT// presents Glaswegian queer performance artist Katy Baird’s latest show - plus new work from Glasgow-based artists Althea Young and Kirstin Halliday!
Jonathan McKinstry's solo exhibition I Like Things I Remember is a collection of nostalgic paintings inspired by childhood memories of fun, games and toys from the 1980s.
Iconic action figures from the 7Os and 80s, including Optimus Prime, Darth Vader and Barbie are referenced, with the colours of branding and packaging used to invoke memories of his youth. Jonathan's favourite board games are featured too, like Operation, Buckaroo and Hungry Hippos. This exhibition is a celebration of Jonathan's lasting memories of a happy childhood. Jonathan is still a massive fan of comics and a regular visitor to Comic Con festivals.
First exhibited as part of Glasgow International 2024, this body of work represents the first solo show by Jonathan, and an incredible achievement. The paintings in, I Like Things I Remember share treasured memories of happiness and childhood with those who see the paintings. Whether a child of the 7Os and 80s, or not, I Like Things I Remember will delight the eyes with their playfulness and charm. Jonathan's bold expressive brushwork and colourful palette lend themselves wonderfully to this work.
"It's the most painting I have done in my life. I feel like I have achieved something and I hope people will like them", says Jonathan. With the support of artist Jason Davis at the Project Ability studios, he made a total of 27 individual artworks. "He's that second guy, you know? A second pair of eyes" he says about Jason, appreciative of the support offered by the tutor, helping him select shades of red or even discussing shape and composition.
Jonathan McKinstry attends Project Ability's Aspire programme:
Jonathan creates his paintings with flatly applied colour, often in thick oil-slick strokes with a sketchiness and air of caricature. These paintings, made with haste but considered, are a remarkable balancing act of picture-making and gesture. He is inspired by comic books, films and pop culture as well as landscapes and animals, and enjoys large scale painting and murals.